donderdag 1 september 2016

Lady Justice - a comic review

‘When an innocent woman is horribly wronged, she can be possessed by a spirit of justice that will empower her to seek justice she deserves by any means possible.’

This is written on the back of this bundle of Lady Justice comics. If I had read it a little better before I bought it, I had thought twice about buying it. But I got into the commercial trap that blinded me. I only read Neil Gaiman's name on the front. I knew him from "Signal to Noise" and I read somewhere that he wrote a Doctor Who episode. So that must be good, I thought. But when I opened the album at home and read the title page, I started to doubt my purchase. It says; 'Based on a concept created by Neil Gaiman. C. J. Henderson and Wendi Lee writers'. Nevertheless, I began to read with great readiness and thought these two, to my unknown writers, deserve a chance. But it did not matter, I reached with a lot of effort page 168, about halfway through the comic. Sorry superhero lovers, all the violence sickened me. It's not so much that I'm against violence in comics, but this comic is filled with violence that comes from revenge. A better title would be Lady Revenge instead of Lady Justice.

There are several stories in this album. Although every woman has her own reason for her revenge, the end of the story is always the same. The repetitions become boring. Perhaps this genre in America is popular because the police and justice often fail in its task. Perhaps it has to do with the second amendment in the US Constitution that states that everyone has the right to carry a weapon. I do not know, but it will be clear that this is not the genre I love. I can only hope that most parents of the children who read this show their children that revenge is not the right way to resolve conflicts.

Is there really nothing positive about this album? Yes, the realistic drawings are reasonably good. And I have to admit that, due to the dynamic composition of the drawings make the action splash of the pages. Beautifully done. The Americans are very good at that, I do not know any European comics aren’t more drawn that way.

But the beautiful drawing can not hide the terrible story.


Lady Justice wikipedia
Lady Justice goodreads
Neil Gaiman wikipedia
Lady Justice catawiki

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