zondag 1 september 2019

Second Thoughts - a Graphic Novel Review

I don't have it often, but sometimes after reading a comic or graphic short story, I think; what was it about?... After reading the album "Second Thoughts" I had that too. The feeling of not knowing what to make of it does not always mean that it is a bad comic or graphic novel. And to be honest, I should have known this feeling would come when I read the title; "Second thoughts."

The Story is about relationships. What is, what could have been, what has never been and what has never become. Not necessarily in that order. It is not my favorite subject, but writer and draftsman Niklas Asker begins his story in an interesting way. We are presented with a telephone conversation, but it is unclear who is conducting the conversation. Asker has made good use of the fact that, unlike in a movie, you cannot hear characters in a comic. He also makes good use of the fact that, unlike in a book, you can see the characters. But like most people who make comics, he uses the same technique as is used for film. By not revealing everything with images, it makes me curious as a reader.
Although at some point you know who the main characters are, he knows how to keep it interesting through combining two story lines.

Asker's realistic drawings work well in black and white. Black and white always reminds me of the work of Bernie Wrightson and Charles Burns. I have always had a weakness for artists who can use their blacks and whites so optimally that a perfect illustration is created. But a comparison would be inappropriate in this case because "Second Thoughts" is a completely different genre and you can hardly compete with these masters. But the Swedish Niklas Asker is still young and I don't think it's impossible that he could ever reach the level of Wrightson and Burns.

When I finished reading this graphic novel I doubt whether I will write a review about it. "Second thoughts" is a story without humor, but also without morality, without relationship tips or whatever tips. "Second Thoughts" is an album with... second thoughts. Well I can only say; a well thought-out title for a graphic novel that, despite the subject, still is a good read.