vrijdag 1 september 2017

Carnets d’orient - a Graphic Novel Review

Joseph Constant arrives in Algiers on May 24, 1836. The French have expelled the Turks and are now in war with the Arabs. His friend, the painter Mario Puzzo, will pick him up at the port. Constant, also an artist, wants to draw the Arab environment and the people. That has to be done in a hurry because Muslim Arabs see it as sacred knowledge when they make an image of them. Also, Constant keeps a diary with sketching. Puzzo is fully integrated in the Arab world. He dresses like an Arab and, in his opinion, can not be distinguished from a true native. He lets Constant see what life in Algiers is like. Due to his good connections, he also shows Constant a real harem. Here he sees the beautiful Djemilah and falls in love with her. They are secretly talking to each other. Constant is offered a job as an interpreter in French army. But he turns it down. Now that he is in love with an Arab woman, he can not do anything against the Arabs. The French army has to go to Constantine without him. When Omar ben Kada, the man of the harem, is suspicious, he sends Djemilah to Constantine. Reason for Constant to take on the job at the French army.

Both the scenario and the drawings are by Jacques Ferrandez. This is my first acquaintance with him and I have to say that I like it. The drawings are beautiful. The story is interspersed with sketches and handwritten diary notes. Ferrandez has thoroughly studied the history of Algeria. That he is born there may have helped. Although he only lived there for the first two months of his life. His grandfather often talked about Algeria from the early 1900. Ferrandez is more known for his collaboration with Rodolphe, making with him the Commissioner Raffini albums. A pitty is that many of the graphic novels made by Ferrandez are not translated into Dutch.

My conclusion is that this is a beautiful album. Well drawn and ahs a fascinating story.

Jacques Ferrandez wikipedia
Jacques Ferrandez comiclopedia
Carnets d’orient