dinsdag 1 augustus 2017

Ypres Memories - a Graphic Novel Review

There are two stories in this graphic novel. Both stories are set in Belgian Ypres during the First World War. The first story is about the Scottish Gordon. In 1914 he fought near Ypres against the Germans. The Scots are forced to withdraw. They had to leave the wounded behind. His cousin Tim is one of them. Furthermore, this story tells about the horrors of the war. The terrible man to man fighting and the first aircraft.

The second story is about the English Henry. He keeps a diary. In this he tells about what he is doing. The commanding officers are not to happy about his writing. This could mean that military secrets could accidentally fall into the hands of the Germans.

Both the story and the drawings are from Philippe Glogowski. The second story in Ypres Memories 'was published in album form in 2000: Henry's Diary (Ypres 1916-1918)' Both stories are told like a documentary. There are many facts in it and some of the things described may could’ve happened. I think that is very interesting. But because I have read and seen many comics, books, films and documentaries about World War I, this graphic novel did not contain anything new to me. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the beautiful drawing of Glogowski.

This album is especially recommended for those who are not yet familiar with WOI.

Ypres Memories on catawiki
Ypres Memories on stripinfo.be
Philippe Glogowski on wikipedia